
Fun facts about Scotland

*There are approximately 5 million people in the country and 9 million sheep--a major food source.
*Gas is $6-8 per gallon.
*It's about the same latitude as Alaska, so long days and short nights right now.
*It is hilly and very green.
*A major crop is "soft fruit", strawberries, raspberries and blueberries grown in hothouses.  Delicious!
*It is the home of Beatrix Potter, creator of Peter Rabbit, and JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books.
*The more remote areas have mobile banks that come once a week complete with ATMs
and tellers.

If I did this correctly,  you should be able to open this link to see a map of Scotland.  We started in Edinburgh,  drove northwest through Pitlochry and Inverness to the northernmost city of Thuro so far.


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